Friday 29 January 2016

Better isn't always easier

Have you ever got something you'd been waiting for and found out it required a whole new mindset and a good deal of challenges you didn't know about?

If you'd read my blog, it would be easy to see that I was struggling through being single and trying my best to live in God's best while wishing I was living anything but the life I had. As the older and wiser know so well, things can change quickly and they did. With no warning, Joshie came into my life and within a year and a half we had started dating, gotten married and had a baby. Both of us seem to be handle change fairly well so we have dealt with it well.

But now that more time has passed and we've settled into routine, new sets of challenges have come up that I never even knew would be a thing.

1. Loneliness - This is one of the weirdest ones, but I think a lot of other moms would relate. Between working part time and making sure my little girl stays on a good napping and sleeping routine, I am rarely able to go out and spend time with my friends. ... which who thought that would be a thing? It is easy for me to get into a funk of either working too hard at things that don't have to be done so I don't have to deal with my feelings or I let myself feel miserable. How do you work through this kind of thing? Things aren't going to change in the foreseeable future so how do you learn to accept loneliness will be a thing, but not be overtaken by it? How do you not feel sorry for yourself and choose to love where you're at with the challenges and the good things?

2. Feeling a lack of freedom - I run on someone else's time schedule. I am able to be out as much as their little stomachs can handle and base when I can go (or even if I can go) on their sleep needs. We can travel, but it's a LOT more work and prep planning ... and with all the effort that goes into it, I'm much more apt to just stay home. I'm learning to take all these things in, but it's been a learning curve that frustrates my "me" wants (not needs) ... which is probably a good maturity step for me.

3. Feeling like I'm not contributing - After being single and living on my own for quite awhile, I often struggle with not "providing" for my and my family's basic needs. I do work a little, but it helps only so much ... and I may not be working at all with a new baby coming soon. I can feel guilty and lazy for not "making money" even though I am completely opposed to the option of putting our kidlets in daycare (I want to be with them). It's hard to learn to let someone take care of my financial needs. I know Josh wants to and I know it's in his nature to protect us in this way, it is just so different from what I had gotten used to. I need to learn to trust and let people ... esp. Josh take care of me.

4. Always having things everywhere - this is another odd one, but after living with just me, I was used of putting something away and having it stay there until I needed it again. Now that, I live with Josh (my sometimes forgetful spouse), 2 kidlets and a baby on the way, I can put away and clean all the time and turn around and find another bunch of things lying everywhere (unless I clean when people are sleeping). Having things everywhere used to be a trigger for me to feel chaotic and led to me not being able to focus, feeling anxious, etc. Although I still spend too much time cleaning and putting and reputting things away, I am learning to relax and just be in the mess. As Josh so wisely points out, am I letting myself be controlled by my surroundings or am I learning to adapt myself to thrive in my surroundings.

5. An intense heightened fear of death/major sickness - when it was just me, I would get sad at the thought of dying or having some sickness come into my life. But the sadness was not nearly so hefty in the light of getting to finally be face to face with Jesus. Since marrying Josh, I have often had to fight through a now intense fear of something happening to me or him ... and now to our kids as well. I haven't come to a conclusion about how to face this other than to choose not to think about it (which may just have to be my solution). I cannot mentally or emotionally handle the thought(s) of Josh and my kids having to try to work through life without me ... and I don't say this feeling like I'm some superstar, I say it knowing there would be a huge, unfillable void in their lives. It's not that I don't believe God wouldn't bring joy into their life and bring people in to take care of them, it's that you just need your mom and no one (no matter how awesome they are) can fully take the place of your birth mom (and I say this as a step mom). And Josh oh man ... neither of us can really deal with the thought of losing the other; I feel like I would actually go insane and I think the same might be true for him too. And our kids, ey yi yi, I actually get nauseous at the thought of them being hurt or having anything major wrong with them ... I get into near hysterics when I think about them not being with us ... So I have been choosing to not even think about death or sickness right now. I don't know how to deal with the thoughts and I don't know what God would do to push this fear out of me; right now, not living in fear means not thinking about what ifs.  ... Is that a long term solution, probably not, but it could be a long term solution until something actually happens.

I love the life I'm living; I love being with Josh and our kids and wouldn't change one thing about what has happened in the past few years. I am so thankful that I get to spend my everydays with someone who I care about so much and I love being able to talk to the same person about all of the random things that happen through regular days. I love waking up and cuddling my baby or hearing my step son learn to read ... there are so many things I L.O.V.E.  I am so thankful to be in this spot, but I was a bit blindsided by random challenges I hadn't thought of before. On the other hand, I now have a physical person with me who doesn't let me wallow and pushes me to work through things whether I want to (which is seldom) or not so maybe the challenges will lessen (or change) as more time passes. We'll see.